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timing chart中文是什么意思

用"timing chart"造句"timing chart"怎么读"timing chart" in a sentence


  • 计时表
  • 时间图


  • Displays a server s response times charted against the number of simultaneous requests asked of that server
  • Enabling the time chart and the data logging function are as easy as clicking on switches next to the graph
  • What ' s more , a time chart displays the data from all active channels at a specific wavelength over time
  • Some timing charts are also given to explain and verify related information . at the end of this chapter are the results of this design
  • The software has the following characters : friendly human - machine interface , convenient configuration , facility , real - time database management , drawing the real - time charts and printing formal forms and so on
  • A book named leslie cheung - a beautiful memory will be publised by ming pao publishing co . ltd . on april 1 to commemorate the first anniversary of the superstar s death . the book features a complete biography of the actor - singer , his award list as well as 300 - strong photos that have never be released before . also include detail personal profile of leslie , work time chart , his actor life and more treasurable information
用"timing chart"造句  
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